Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Don't forget to vote - it's only a few days away! If you have addition questions about voting, you can go to GO VOTE: http://www.govote.org/ and put in your zip code.

Unfortunately, it's not as 'fun' to vote as I thought it would be when I was younger. But, if you want to have any choice (big or small) in making a better world, then you should vote. After reading through the voter's pamphlet, if you aren't totally confused with a terrible headache then you deserve A LOT of credit! (Could you maybe come over and explain some things to me then?) If only the damn measures could be worded/written how they are really meant to be - without trying to trick you into voting for it - it would make things so much easier. And, why make one measure just cancel another one out? But...2 hours on Sunday gave me the time to get my ballot ready. I did do it in pencil tho - just in case!

And...not that I'm telling you how to vote...but I saw these buttons and liked them. I honestly like both candidates running for President (one more than the other) - for different reasons - but am really not impressed with either of their running mates. So...I'm an...

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