Saturday, September 29, 2012

Be Still my Heart Part II

These photos also melt my heart every time I look at them.

So tiny, yet so aggressive the last 15 seconds of the game!
What a fabulous way to spend a Saturday; watching Kallie play soccer and then Kylah cheer.

Be still my heart

My heart melts every time I look at these...


Walden Island Tea 2012

The morning of the Tea is spent adding the final touches on the food and setting tables.  We usually have a minute or two to relax before guests arrive.

 Of course, they arrive by boat.
 And KC is always the perfect hostess.
 These are some of the kids that had spent time in the Community House where some of the donations go.
 These are two very special ladies; Sara & Bonnie.  Both live on the island.
 These are two very special ladies also.  Marilyn and KC. They also live on the island and our are neighbors.
We do love our island family.