Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thankful #7

I am thankful for my very best friend (in the whole wide world) Dylona.

Dylona and I met in band class in 7th grade. She thought my yellow shoes were 'the coolest' and decided then that we needed to be friends.

We've been through love, loss, friends, boyfriends, fights, cheerleading, band, Drivers Ed, apartments, long trips in small cars, pregnancy and birth. And so, so much more.

We went to Paris, France our Sophomore year and to Disneyland our Senior year.

We've stayed up all night talking and crying.

When Dylona Miller became Dylona Flaherty, she asked me to be her Maid of Honor. When her beautiful daughters were born, she asked me to be their Godmother.

All of this is very precious to me.

Twenty plus years later, I'm still happy to call her my best friend (in the whole wide world).

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thankful #6

A list of things I'm thankful for:
  • Our property at Silver Lake
  • Friends
  • The Shed
  • My camera
  • My truck
  • Moxie
  • A full belly
  • Zoloft
  • My camera
  • Good beer
  • My Relay friends
  • Twix
  • My Girl Scouts
  • Grocery coupons
  • My laptop
  • Quiet time
  • My camera
  • My iPod
  • Good health or medicines when needed
  • An unlimited text plan
  • Canvas shopping bags
  • Non-fat Chai Lattes
  • Good books
  • My online friends
  • Antique malls
  • TiVo
  • My camera

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thankful #5

I am thankful for Jamie.

Jamie and I met at Old Chicago almost 8 years ago. Jamie had just moved to Oregon from Maryland and he just couldn't stay away from me. (Just kidding...a little.) Neither of us was looking to get into a relationship; a few months later we were planning a trip to Hawaii and having a house built.

I love our house. We worked hard making it the way we wanted it to be...and we continue to do so.

He is always supportive of me and my endeavors.

He knows how to relax and have fun with me. He knows how to make me happy.

And he can always make me smile.

He puts up with me. (Apparently that's quite a feat some days.)

He loves me. And he gives me a kiss every night before going to sleep. Even if we're mad at each other.

He works hard to get what he wants and to give Makena and I the things we want too.

It's a bumpy road being a step-parent, but he loves Makena. And I know she loves him too.

As a boss he's not the greatest, but I'm still working on him! (Just kidding again...a little.)

I've always thought the Van Morrison song 'Someone Like You' reminds me of Jamie.

I've been searching a long time
For someone exactly like you
I've been traveling all around the world
Waiting for you to come through
Someone like you makes it all worth while
Someone like you keeps me satisfied
Someone exactly like you

I've been travelin' a hard road
Lookin' for someone exactly like you
I've been carryin' my heavy load
Waiting for the light to come shining through
Someone like you makes it all worth while
Someone like you keeps me satisfied
Someone exactly like you

I love you Honey.


Thank you.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful #4

I am thankful for my parents. When I was younger, I was one of few kids that had divorced parents. Some of my friends didn't understand what I meant when I said: "I'll be at my dad's this weekend."

I am very lucky to have these four wonderful people in my life. And that Makena has them as grandparents.

Each one of them has qualities that have made me the person that I am today.

The very last wish...ever...

When I was taking pictures of Makena at the park the other day, we found a single "wish". It was the only other thing in the large field of grass. Makena spotted it right away and ran to get it.

"Don't touch it!" I stopped her "I need a picture of it."

"Geesshhh Mom" she laughed at me.

I hope her wish comes true.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why I'm Thankful by Makena

Makena had a homework assignment that she did on my laptop last night. I read through it this morning and hopefully she doesn't mind that I'm sharing it. I love her "Thankful" list.

I’m thankful for many things, but this year I’m most grateful for my home. It never struck me how lucky I was to have a safe environment to live in, but, I am. I’m glad I can walk outside and feel safe. The government definitely isn’t perfect, but it keeps me safe and I’m grateful for that.

Also, I’m happy to have my friends. I don’t know what I would do without them, but I’m glad I don’t have to find out. They’re always there for me and I know I can always smile, laugh or just relax around them. I guess, what I mean is: I really love them and I’m glad they’re with me.

The last thing I’m thankful for this year is: Music! To some people, it may not seem like much, but music means a lot to me. It’s helped me get through a lot in life, and I’m glad that I have it. A lot of the music I listen to is pretty unknown, so I’m happy to know there are very talented people out there everywhere. Like I said, it’s important to me; The lyrics, the music, everything helps just a little.

Thankful #3

I am thankful for my baby sister, Tamara Rae.

I had to wait three years for my precious sister to arrive. I've always been protective of my "T" and love being the older sister.

Even though she was younger, she has always been the more outgoing one. The fearless one.

If T did it first...I would do it.

She has always been supportive.

She'll always make me smile.
She is a beautiful person; inside and out.
I am so very thankful for my sister.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful #2

I am thankful for my beautiful, healthy daughter. My Makena Jade.

I love that Makena is her own individual. She's happy, strong-willed and open-minded. She enjoys being with her friends, but also enjoys curling up with a book (or two or three) by herself. I see a lot of me in her.

I also love that she will wear bright pink skinny jeans and a tu-tu to school. Then sweatpants and her Relay t-shirt the next day.

I am most thankful that she does not have to want for anything. (Other than the Makena wants: a new iPod, a new wardrobe each week, a Kindle, etc.) She is safe, warm, clothed, fed and loved.

I am also thankful that Makena will almost always let me take her picture. Especially when she has a new hair color to show off...

Or when she has a new hoodie to wear...

I am also thankful that Makena Jade continues to make my heart smile day after day. Y

Monday, November 23, 2009

Why I'm Thankful #1

Each day this week, I would like to share something that I am thankful for.

I am thankful that I am able to work from home. This has been such a blessing for me these last 5+ years!
Being at home has allowed me to be with Makena before and after school, and (most importantly) on non-school days. It has allowed me to volunteer at Makena's school, while getting to know her teachers and friends. It has also kept me involved in her activities.

Being at home has also given me the opportunity to volunteer as much and as often as I can. I think volunteering has made me a better person - for myself and for my family.

What can one family do?

While we were at the REAL. LIFE. Exhibit, I picked up several different brochures and handouts. The group was very organized (which I love) and had several different handouts available for specific things. Things like:

How to Live - live as if the needy people of this world depend on you. In many ways, they do. The handout explained how the way we live has an impact on others - good information for people who don't realize that.

There were also handouts on How to Examine Your Life, How to Learn about people around the world and How to Advocate for yourself and others. Again, great information.

They also had different brochures explaining what one family can do, one student group can do, one classroom can do, one church group can do to make a difference.

What a great idea to explain these things separately! I think Jamie loved that I was picking up every handout, just in case I needed to know. : )

Needless to say, my Troop was very interested in finding ways to help and learn. So see, it was a good thing that I grabbed those handouts!

What about the What Can One Family Do brochure - okay, we'll try it!?! My family is going to use a suggested 14-Day calendar to learn about REAL. LIFE. for families around the world and in our community. The exercises are to help my family develop a greater awareness not only of the needs of others but also of the many ways in which my family is blessed.

Do you and your family want to participate with us? Each day I will post how we can make a difference. I hope you'll join us and let me know your thoughts. We will begin on December 1st, so be sure to check back!

Q. Does one family's gift really make a difference?
A. Yes! As little as $1 can buy 10 packets of oral rehydration solution that can keep 10 children alive.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

REAL.LIFE. Exhibit

My Girl Scout Troop, Jamie and I went to the REAL.LIFE. Exhibit at the Medical Teams International building in Tigard. It was a very eye-opening and powerful exhibit showing real life situations of children affected by disaster, conflict and poverty. Then it also shows you how Medical Teams International and volunteers have helped and how things have/can change.

The girls have never experienced anything like the children in these situations, and they hopefully will never have to. It was good for them to see how other children are living and how things can be overcome. It was also good for them to see the hope that these children have. Hope is truly an amazing thing!

At the same time, it was very emotional. (Had all the girls not been there, I would have been showing much more of it myself...and I'm not a cryer.) As a person that wishes to help as many people as I can, I also have to remind myself that I can only do so much. I also need to be proud of the things that I do and the activities that I can involve my family in. Those are the good things...
Go to REAL.LIFE. Exhibit for more information. I would encourage anyone 12 and older to go. Plan for an hour to walk through the exhibit, and bring a tissue or two.

Thankfully, there are several ways for myself, my family and my Troop to help Medical Teams International. Stay tuned...

A quote that I found on one of the walls that really struck me:

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
-Edmund Everett Hale

The fun is always with the glue

When I did daycare, I was always looking for crafts to do with the kids. And, as anyone knows, holiday projects are the best! A few weeks ago, Kallie called to tell me that she wanted to do a 'hand turkey project with me'. Dylona had gotten out their Thanksgiving decorations and had all of the turkey projects that Kylah and I had done. Several of them were turkeys made out of Kylah's traced hand. Kallie wanted one too.

Doesn't your heart smile just hearing that? Mine did!

Because I was going to be at their house, I brought some stuff with me to make turkeys. Ivie was spending the day there too, so I helped each of them make a 'hand turkey'. I did all of the cutting, and the girls were happiest putting on gobs of glue. (ahh...get it..."gobs" - turkeys gobble. Okay, okay...back to blogging...)

Hand turkeys 2009:

Owning a camera does not a photographer make

I went to the Flahertys on Friday to take some family photos. I wanted the pictures to look comfortable, and I think being in their own house was a great start. I had intended to get some pictures outside on their front porch (I snuck in a couple) and at a local park, but the rain just wouldn't let up. Something to look forward to tho!

SO much goes in to taking good photographs and practice obviously makes perfect! Light, natural light, colors, background, environment, making sure everyone is in the picture, making sure everyone is "sitting still", making sure everyone has their eyes open, dresses down & shirts even, feet still, faces forward and more. That's not even including what to do with my camera and it's settings! Yeeoowzer...

We weren't really in a rush so that was also helpful. And, the girls are pretty used to me taking their pictures so they weren't shy. Although...Kallie-Bug did not want to sit still. (That's not really all that unusual for her tho.) She was very happy when we were done so that she could finally eat her fruit roll-up! Kylah sat perfectly still and smiled the entire time - she told me that she didn't even blink! : ) Love them!!

Then comes the editing...another yeeoowzer! I know how I like my pictures to look, but I also know not everyone else likes them the same way. Jamie got me a new photo editing program, so I was also trying to play/learn that. In the end, I had fun and did take a lot of pictures that made me smile. That's what is most important!

I'm not sure which pictures they have chosen to share with us, so I'll just post a few that are perfect in their own way.

Thanks for letting me take your family photos; I hope there was something that you loved too! I look forward to taking many more.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dead Cat Walking

About 10 years ago, I inherited a cat. A skinny, black cat named Brandi.

I remember having (many) cats at my dad's house, but my mom didn't like them so we didn't have them at home. I didn't really think I'd want one when I'd moved out either, but Dylona didn't want Brandi any longer and I thought "how hard can it be?"

I was living with Dylona at the time, Brandi always curled up and purred at the end of my bed and Makena kinda liked her. So, when I moved out, Brandi came with us. Shortly after that, we we given another cat. A fat, black cat named Tink.

I should say that Tink didn't start off fat. He was given to us when he was only a few weeks old and he was very, very small. His mom didn't want her kittens and Makena wanted a kitten of her very own. Makena named her kitten Princess Tinkerbell. When I was out of town a few years later, Dylona had to take Princess Tinkerbell to the vet for us and was told that she was a he. Great story (I still laugh today) and a big surprise to us all. That day, Princess Tinkerbell became Tink. Unfortunately we lost him to liver cancer a few years ago.

Tink was our cuddly, fat, black cat. Brandi has never really been quite so cuddly. I usually refer to her as 'bitch cat.'

Tink had his flaws, but he was cuddly. Brandi on the other hand...
  • She likes to be up high - on top of the fridge (gross), on the top shelf of the closet (getting hair on my sweaters), or anywhere high up that she's not supposed to be. Places that drive me crazy.
  • She has allergies - yep, a cat with allergies! She has Fall AND Spring allergies of course. bills...meds. Jamie doesn't want to spend another penny on her - he's less of a 'cat person' than I am.
  • Along with the allergies, she also has food allergies. It took me years (years!) to find the food that would make her throw up the least amount. It, of course, is not one of the less expensive foods.
  • She likes to be on the furniture. That's a no-no at our house!
  • She likes to get on the counter. A HUGE no-no at our house!! Bread or food can't be left on the counter as she'll jump up the minute your back is turned.
  • She likes to chew on expensive leather - shoes, bags, etc.
  • She likes to lay on top of the book you are trying to read.
  • About a year ago she decided that she didn't want to crap inside of the litter box but just outside of it. Thankfully the box is in our garage, but it still ticks me off...and she knows it.

Sometimes she can be sweet and like to cuddle, but usually just with me. She doesn't really like to be picked up. Every so often she'll try to sleep on Makena's bed, but Makena usually shuts her out of her room. Brandi will go to Jamie as a last resort, and he sometimes feels sorry for her and pets her. Then she'll bite him - she's like that.

Jamie was NOT happy to find out that cats can live well into their 20's. Brandi is 14 now and I think she'll hold on as long as she can just to spite him.

This morning I not only found her on my new chair, but she had thrown up on it. I ran down the stairs, she ran the other direction. Brandi may not see 15.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Should have snagged a pumpkin pie!

I had about 40 minutes to kill before I did my food pantry pick up this morning. I had my camera, it wasn't raining, so I decided to go to a little park by Makena's school.

There were a couple of women there walking their dogs. One asked if I was scouting out a location for a photo shoot - me?!? - "nope" I told her "just taking pictures of the park". "Oh" she had a surprised look on her face.

It's a very small park, but I found lots of great things to take pictures of.

When I arrived at the food pantry, someone else was making a delivery. I immediately spotted small, individual pumpkin pies - yum! I began unloading my truck, and both men went behind the van, I stared at the pies...

Would anyone notice?

Was I drooling?

Maybe I'll just see how fresh they are?

Then the men came back around the van and asked if I needed help unloading. Damn...missed opportunity!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A full day of Happy, Happy; Joy, Joy

I was up by 7am on Saturday morning to get ready for the 2009-10 Relay Summit. There were more than 450 RELAYERS at our Summit this year - AMAZING!!! Relay is such a powerful event - Summit lets us celebrate our achievements and get ready for another great Relay Season!

the enthusiastic Kathy Cina - Beaverton Event Chair
The American Cancer Society is the 'Official Sponsor of Birthdays',
so Summit had a Birthday theme
We are never...Alone
If we continue to...Remember...
After I returned home from Summit, Jamie and I headed out for a surprise birthday party for Andrea. Andrea & Brian used to live next door to us, but (without even consulting us!?!) they moved to Hermiston. Yah, it's not a short trip for a visit anymore!

Andrea surprised everyone by showing up early for her party! : ) She was getting upset at Brian for 'wasting time' and they showed up to party 45 minutes early - she was surprised to see everyone show up tho (mostly to see us I'm sure).

The party was a Greek theme - lots of Greek wine and food! Thankfully, no Togas! Happy Birthday Andrea!

And, does it get better you ask - why YES it does!! A belly dancer was hired for the party - a male belly dancer, found on Craigslist and needing a ride from the Max! (True story people.) And here is a picture of the male belly dancer with a hoe on his head...and that's just how the party continued to go...

the Birthday girl & the Belly dancer
(That sounds like the beginning of a good story doesn't it?)

Why yes, of course, I have a video for you!

After leaving Andrea's party, we headed over to the bowling alley for Cousin's Birthday party! Happy Birthday Cousin (Steve)!
Leah & Cousin

A full day of CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS - what a great thing!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting closer to completing the front room and my office!

My chair finally came in today - I'm one step closer to being finished with the front room and my office!!

  • New paint - 3 coats of metallic creamy copper - CHECK
  • New curtains - red spice - CHECK
  • New curtain rods - brushed nickel - CHECK
  • New chair - black, lunar from Dania - CHECK
  • Swap out small bookshelf for small black table - CHECK
  • New print - Laugh as much as you breath, Love as much as you Live - CHECK
  • New lamp & light fixtures - still looking...
  • Update a few photos in frames - still working on that...
  • Stain oak bookcase black - still drying...
The chair is black, but more of a charcoal-black color. To get the full black one, it would take another 3 to 4 months and I'm not sure if I want to wait that much longer or not. This one may just work out for me! It's comfy - I can't wait to sit and read a book in it.

As soon as I'm totally done with this room, I'm moving to the living room. I'd like to paint a wall or two and get a new lamp in there too...we'll see what I get done.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Driving around; looking for something to take pictures of.

I went out to visit my sister for a bit this morning. I kindly woke her up from a good-night's sleep.

You're welcome T. : )

On my way home, I decided to take a few side streets to see what I could find to take pictures of. I turned off my radio, drove slowly and enjoyed the hour or so to myself.

Plenty of reasons to make me smile today.