Monday, November 24, 2008

The Holiday Season

Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season in the United States, and with it begins six weeks of fun, feasts and festivities. With its emphasis on being grateful for all we have, Thanksgiving provides the perfect opportunity to make life greener — and a bit more frugal — in this time of economic turmoil.

Give back. While most Americans will have a more luxurious Thanksgiving than our forefathers celebrated when they arrived in the New World, some cannot afford to prepare a special Thanksgiving meal. Give to those less fortunate by donating to or volunteering with an organization that provides a Thanksgiving meal for others.

Go local. Celebrate gratitude for the local environment by exploring what local foods you can find. See if you can select a turkey from a local farm (try your local natural foods market or visit to locate farmers). Please support your local farms and families!

Go green with the drinks. Look into locally crafted wines and beers (yum!), or those made organically. Serve tap water instead of bottled water; make it more elegant with lemon or lime wedges.

Get out the good china. Or at least forego plastic and paper ware to reduce waste. By avoiding items that are particularly Thanksgiving-themed, you will be able to use them throughout the year.

A greener Thanksgiving is easily within reach, and by taking it easier on the planet, you might find it easier on your wallet at the same time. Enjoy your Holiday Season!!

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