Monday, December 21, 2009

Volunteer work with the Girl Scouts

My Girl Scout Troop helped hand out toys at the Washington County Christmas Breakfast for the Homeless on Sunday. Sunday was "Family Day" - families that came received bags of clothing and toiletries, boxes of food and a toy for each child.

The girls had much more fun handing out toys than they did sorting clothes last year!

The troop collected items during the months of November & December, and we brought our items on our volunteer day. I had planned to get a picture of all of the girls unloading the truck...I never get pictures when I "plan" for them ahead of time.

I did get a few pictures of them choosing and delivering toys. I noticed that there were sticky finger prints all over my camera (when I got home) so the pictures are not very clear. The finger prints possibly appeared during dinner the night before...sneaky kids. : )

Cadette Troop 41054
McKenzie, Jessica, Hayley, Hailee & Makena

There are always the good and not-so-good parts of volunteering. The girls got to experience both sides of this on Sunday. Even though there were some very ungrateful people in attendance, there were also several smiling children receiving toys. Hopefully those smiles are the things the girls remember!

1 comment:

  1. I just had a chance to catch up on my blogs! Thanks for posting these pictures!
    This was a great experience for the girls, McKenzie is still talking about it. Thanks for letting me tag along too!

    Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
