Monday, July 26, 2010

Things I've learned

There were a few things that I learned on our road trip last week.
  1. My bladder just can't hold what it used to.

  2. Wearing a bra is apparently overrated in Aberdeen, Wa.

  3. Makena will need to learn to read a map before out next road trip.

  4. Fighting traffic and going 60mph in a 70mph zone on I5 pisses me off. Going 60mph in a 60mph zone and driving behind a log truck on Hwy 101 doesn't.

  5. When driving in a new town, "One Way" signs can really throw me off.

  6. Having an iPod and satellite radio is much better than having to find local radio stations or continuously switching cd's or tapes.

  7. Having an iPod while on a hike also makes the hike a little more fun. (I also believe that listening to Queen scared the bears away from us. Thanks Freddie.)
  8. Even Verizon Wireless doesn't get service out in parts of the Olympic National Forest. (Which makes my 13yr daughter have to talk to me.)
  9. There are still a lot of trailer parks in the PNW.
  10. Cruise Control was one of the best additions ever added to the vehicle. (A close 2nd - a/c, power windows, blue tooth, keyless entry & heated seats.)

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