Monday, October 5, 2009

Couple 'a things #8

  1. My house is colder inside than it is outside.
  2. The dishes in my sink are still mysteriously multiplying.
  3. Makena has lost her iPod & wallet.
  4. Sometimes it sucks to own your own business - like payroll & tax time.
  5. I've seen the same guy jogging down TV Hwy for days - tanning bed tan, hair neatly done with frosted tips, matching outfit and huge white sunglasses - hope he's getting a workout.
  6. Taking 10,000 steps a day is more work than I thought.
  7. Christmas is 80 days away.
  8. The Relay For Life of Hillsboro 2010 Kick-off Event is on October 31 - I have part of my costume done, but haven't decided on a team name yet.
  9. Makena's school pictures are back - she's visibly wearing a Madison necklace and doesn't see anything wrong with it.
  10. I'm so done with Sookie Stackhouse and wish the 'show could go on without her'.
  11. Jamie is feeling better now - 3 full days in bed must have done the trick.
  12. I wish I could get a raise - see #4 and #7.
  13. Why, why, WHY do we have to keep hearing about Jon & Kate? I hope the "8" turn out better.
  14. I don't think I'll ever understand payroll taxes, payroll documents or payroll fees - payroll just sucks.
  15. Sadly, the USA has been in Afghanistan for 8 years now and it seems that's where we'll stay - keeping positive thoughts of a safe return for all!!

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