Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Couple 'a things #9

  1. I found Makena's iPod in the bottom of my purse. She says that I, of course, put it there.
  2. One of Makena's best friends is Madison - why Makena now wears a Madison necklace every day.
  3. Finally caught up on the dishes - now I need to mow the yard. It's always something...
  4. We're hoping to get up to the lake this weekend.
  5. Cancer sucks!
  6. Makena is quite the smartass - which is funny most of the time.
  7. While running errands yesterday, Makena asked if we could stop by Burgerville - she knows I can't resist a Burgerville shake!
  8. I decided to treat myself with a small pumpkin Burgerville shake (yum!!) - just when I opened my mouth to tell the lady not to put on whipped cream she says that she accidentally made a regular size instead of a small. "It's on the house." she smiles, so I HAD to accept it - whipped cream and all.
  9. My scale noticed every sip of that pumpkin shake. See #8.
  10. I just noticed that when I publish the post, the numbers don't show up on the Blog - only a flower type thing. So when I say "See #8" - there really isn't one!?! Sorry bout that...I do type it up as numbered sentences.

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