Monday, November 15, 2010

Good Things #25 it is, almost Christmas time. Yes, I know it's still a month away, but you don't have that much more time to shop. Especially if you shop online like I do and need to account for your items to be made and then shipped.

I suppose if you shop at the last minute, at a department store, you still have plenty of time. Wow, doesn't that sound like a whole lotta fun? Hundreds of pissy people, crammed into the stores, looking for that perfect gift, only to find out that this is the last one and they will take you down if you even look back at it. thanks.

I have a few "Good" suggestions for you.

  1. Etsy - literally, the best website ever! Wonderful handmade and vintage gifts for all.
  2. SAC - we found these great little bags at a recent 'Green Fair'. They are sustainable, durable and green. (pssstt...I'll take the Square SAC in Ornee.)
  3. Wear Your Veggies - super cute eco-friendly clothing with hand-drawn artwork. You can receive 10% off of your order with the discount code VEGLOVE.
  4. Etsy - did I mention this one already? must be THAT great.
  5. All Things Green - a huge range of low-impact products.

Have fun shopping!

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