I do try to 'Live Life Simply' so that I can be sure to enjoy as much of it as I can. I started looking around my house a while ago and felt a need to get back to 'Simplicity'. We have so much stuff and I was starting to feel suffocated. It's not just the stacks of DVD's that we never watch or the Wii pieces all over the living room, but papers stacked on the kitchen table (Jamie), knick-knacks and just "stuff".
On a recent Costco trip Jamie came home with a new flat screen tv. (I know...you are all very surprised about this.) I was not happy with him (something he's used to) but it ended up being a good thing. We've always had a big screen, but with standing speakers and all of the reciever boxes it was taking up half of our living room. We had a tall shelf for the receiver boxes, but it also held knick-knacks, picture frames, plants, candles and a ton of dust. We cleared it all out, hung our new tv on the wall and bought a new, small console table. All of our gadgets fit in the new console table, and I have space to put a few things on top of it. Right now tho, I only have one small pig on top as I don't want to add all the clutter back. I figure the longer I stare at it, I'll figure out what else needs to be there.
Because Makena hasn't been feeling well, I started disinfecting all of the remotes, door handles, etc. Then I just decided to clean the house...cuz that's how my mind thinks. I started gathering things from other rooms that I just don't think I have to keep anymore...back to Simplicity. Knick-knacks, plants, picture frames and all of those papers on the kitchen table. There are knick-knacks that I love and can't part with, but others that can go. There are plants that I've had for years, but just don't need. There are pictures frames that hold wonderful memories, but I'm thinking a new digital frame may look great on my new console table. (See how I work that!?!) And, all of those papers on the kitchen table can go back to Jamie's office.
Jamie tells me that he really is moving his office this month, so that will give me my spare room back to Simplify. We'll see how it all goes...
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