Thursday, March 10, 2011

Culture Fair

Culture Fair = stress for 8th Graders and their parents.

Culture Fair is the first major project that the 8th Grade students at Highland Park had to do. It was a project that they had a couple of months to research and complete; most all of it being done at home. And, most all of it being done in the last couple of days of course. Which was a bit more of a stresser for parents than the students I think! But, whewww, Culture Fair is now complete. Well...there a speeches in class next week, but that's the easy part right?

The students' project boards were shown to the public last night. There were a lot of students proud of their work and boards. And, of course, some that weren't. But most of them looked great!

Here is Makena and her board - her project was life in the 1930's. She did the history of the 1930's and then her personal aspect was of her great-grandmother (my Gram) who was born in 1931. Oh, and Hailee is here showing her Czechoslovakian Potato Ball that goes with her project.

And me...showing my relief that all went well.

Makena did a lot of work and we are proud of what she did. She also learned a lot about how things have change in the past 80 years of life.

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