Monday, October 4, 2010

Why I smiled today

Why I smiled today...

Mine and Makena's TOMS shoes arrived!

I love TOMS One For One program.

Each box also has a TOMS flag to take a picture of yourself with somewhere in the world.
Makena's are plum and mine are saffron. They're both corduroy - love them!

TOMS = happy feet.


  1. awesome! ;)

    Happy feet in deed!

  2. Oh I love them! I'll take the plum too! lol

    Love you! And so proud of you. You are always thinking of ways to better the world with everything you do. And you've passed this gift on to Kena who loves to do good too.

    Nice work ladies.

  3. Well...I wanted the plum ones too but Makena said I couldn't have the same ones as her. Apparently that's not cool like I thought it was. : )
