Sunday, October 31, 2010


Reasons why I need a do-over:
  1. I've just not been feeling like blogging lately, as I'm sure you can tell. Things are still going on in my head...just not working their way to the keyboard.
  2. The month of October just flew by! Maybe I was just too busy to notice, but where did it go? (Happy Halloween by the way.)
  3. We had a wonderful time in Cancun - lots of stories to try to remember! Even more pictures to still look through. I love taking pictures, but sometimes I just get overwhelmed there too.
  4. I do remember one little "trip" in Cancun. As I'm walking to the restroom, next to the pool, reading the Watch Your Step; I slip. (Literally AS I was reading it.) I knew it was wet and slippery and was trying to be careful, but it happened. Of course it's the same foot that I broke two years ago...and it still hurts. It's not swollen, we've been watching it, but it still pisses me off.
  5. I have pictures of Tami's Celebration of Life to share too. I still just haven't been able to finish that post.

Looking forward to November!

1 comment:

  1. it's called 'taking a rest'....I did it the entire month of's OK! :)

    I really hope your foot is okay!!!

    Happy Halloween!
