We've had some crazy days around here and are looking forward to many, many more. I leave for a conference in Bend in a few hours. The picture below is from their website (The Riverhouse) and it had better be the view from my room.

Jamie left Tuesday morning, and we'll both get back home on Friday. Then, after Makena gets out of school, we'll head to Garibaldi. We can't wait to settle in to my mom's couch. It's been months since we've really gotten to spend any time with them, and Mother's Day weekend is the perfect time! I'm already planning my antique shopping strategy, and my mom already has a to-do list ready for Jamie. (See how I get out of that!?!)
Like I said, things have been crazy.
- Makena and I have both seen a new doctor in the hopes of helping us with migraines. We're both trying a new medication. So far, so good.
- The remaining adult teeth have finally grown in to Makena's mouth. She was able to get all of the brackets for her braces on yesterday. But now, of course, her mouth is really bothering her. Which, doesn't really help with the migraines...
- My new CASA case has quickly progressed and emergency hearings and meetings have had to take place. One hour meetings turn in to four hours very quickly. Then, DHS released a 500+ page document this week - that's a lot to read through people!
- We're getting eager to get back up to the lake. Jamie has gone up a couple of times in the past month to float a few things over as well as help out the neighbor. I'll have some new pictures to show of that soon.
- Relay....always Relay. : ) I'm trying to fit in as many things as I can to promote CPS3. I'm thinking now that I haven't posted anything on my blog in regards to CPS3 and will need to do so very soon!
- Work has been keeping us very busy as well. It's funny to work in the same house with each other but not even talk to each other all day. (That could be a good thing too right?) But Jamie has actually been gone a lot too.
- We are planning a few things for the house. Since purchasing the property at the lake a few years ago, we've really neglected our home. And, it's something that I think we need to get back to. Job bids and estimates to look at...
- We leave for Jamaica towards the end of the month. Neither of us have been there and are both look forward to it! I have yet to find a dress to wear to the wedding though. (Oh...and I should probably find a wedding gift too.)
- I'm really enjoying the vegetarian cooking class that I'm taking through PCC on Wednesday nights. I've made several new foods for Makena and Jamie. Some they like, others they don't. They are sure to tell me when they don't like something...
- Jamie and I are still doing the P90x program as often as we can. It's a little more difficult to coordinate the workouts when we aren't at home though so we try to continue to do some sort of exercise and eat well. Our bodies hate us when we return to the workouts though!
- Makena is still enjoying her weekly guitar lessons and doing very well. You can hear songs
now. - Parent/Teacher conferences were last week. Makena is doing well, but eager to move on to her new school in the Fall.
I think I've caught up now. Off to Bend...
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