Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Couple 'a things

Just a few things I don't understand...

1. Why men wear sweatpants that have the elastic band at the bottom - the pants don't even go to their ankles and it's looks even more stupid.

2. And then why do those same men decide to wear socks and sandles (bad enough) with their elastic sweatpants (making it even worse). I'm assuming they are single men - NO woman/partner would let them out of the house like that!

3. Why they make mini-skirts in double digit sizes. I'm an overweight person and realize that this is just wrong...why can't everyone else?

4. Why do some women still get out of the car and leave their children in it to run into the store. HELLLOOO!?! Geee...good thing you grabbed your purse...that's got all the valuable stuff in it right?

5. Why is it that we forget the little things that make us smile? Like watering my plants with the hose and having my dog chase the water because she thinks it's fun. Or making faces at the kid in front of you at the grocery store line.

6. Why does good beer have so many calories??

7. Why does "good" anything have so many calories for that matter??!!

8. Why oh why can't people drive the speed limit?!? I know I've mentioned this several times and I'm beginning to thinks it's one of my biggest pet peeves.

That's all for today...


  1. Oh do I have comments....
    #1, this is as bad as the black socks up to the knees. And as I was reading it I was thinking they only was this gets worse is when you pair it with socks and sandles. And then BAM I get to #2. And no they are not all single because I know a married one.
    #3, it's like when big girls where half shirts, it's not ok, EVER!
    #4, I have no comment because it makes me so angry. Almost as angry as when I see people smoking in cars with their kids.
    #5, I love making faces at the kids in cars next to me.
    #6, I feel the same way about dessert.
    #7, ditto
    #8, don't you just want to throw drivers manuals at people sometimes? WTF, when people stop at yellow flashing lights I just want to ram into the back of them.
    That's all my comments..

  2. This cracked me up! I needed to laugh today!
    Those same "bigger' gals that are wearing their mini skirts and half shirts are also the same ones that have their belly button pierced! YUCKY!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. First of all, dudes in sweats is like B's BIGGEST pet peeve, ever.

    Second, I died laughing about the dudes in shoes and sandals because I was like, omg, I know one of them, and then I saw Boops comment and laughed even harder, because we know the same dude.

    Dig you.

  4. Ok, never commented before, Amber, but here's my question...

    Why do "bigger" gals also think they can get away with wearing the spandex/lycra stuff? AND!!!!! They always have a million children!!!!!

    And that's all I can think about that...

  5. Yep - more things I don't understand! : )

  6. I LOVE that your post before this is "good things" lol. So damn funny.

    Ok one other comment here about the "big girls". So yeah we know it sucks to see the butt cheeks of bigger girls (like but to follow up on that thought. Micro skirts on anyone no matter how hot you think you are is not ok. It isn't. It never was. And truly is only appropriate if that is how you earn your money on corners or twirling around a pole.

    About making little kids laugh by making funny faces at them or waving at them as they pass by in cars or on the street. I too love to do this and it gives me little joys out of shopping or driving. I especially love to do it when they are crying out frustrated in those grocery carts. It's fun to see how powerful a strangers smile and wave is even to a little kid about ready to pull the only string of sanity the mother has left after the day this child has given her. Sometimes the crying stops, even if just for a bit while the kid is focused on something else instead of their sighs and mania.

    Having little joys in daily life is one of the best gifts I think we can give ourselves, and others.


  7. OMG, I completely agree and relate to every comment you made (hee, hee, especially no. 6). Your comments, observations, pet peeves had me laughing my ass off. That driving under the speed limit would have to have been my #1 one. Those same people always, always are in the far left lane ("my" lane) on the freeway when clearly that lane is suppose to be used for passing purposes. Pretty sure such signs indicating this are posted along the freeways. Also posted are signs saying slower vehicles are to stay in the far right lane. But people don't do that either. Then on the highways...miles and miles of double yellow lines, no where to pass (hey, I know the laws)they are going 10-15 miles under the allowed speed limit. Arrrgh, that really gets me going. Don't they ever bother looking to see what the friggin speed limit signs say, posted along the sides of the road? Nope! Nor do they "see" the hand signs I like to give them. Surely you're not jumping to conclusions by thinking I'm talking about flipping people off (as if!!) because I'm referring to when I stick my hand out the window and flash my left hand twice,five fingers extended hoping to indicate that the speed limit is 55. Course they have thier heads up their butts and have no clue what I mean because clearly they are friggin idiots to begin with. Man, I feel better having said all this. Cool. What's next?? :-).
