Getting to Jamaica, from Oregon, seems like a never ending journey. Our flight left at 11:20pm on May 24th and we arrived in Jamaica around 2pm on May 25th. We tried to get as much sleep as we could on the plane...but that never works out well. After traveling through a few time zones, states and countries, we had arrived.
It took us much longer than we had hoped to get through Customs. Someone (apparently me) had forgotten to completely fill out the return Custom forms (because we weren't yet returning, so I didn't see the point), and by the time we got back in to line other flights had come in.
We were given free beer (Red Stripe) at the airport and loaded in to a van (very small van with 15 people and their luggage) to make the hour long drive to Couples Negril Resort. Unfortunately, it was rush-hour in Montego Bay, Jamaica and we were stuck for a short time.
Jamie had no problem sitting up front in the van - he likes crazy driving.

The jungle was beautiful. The humidity was not. Photos from the window.

Then, by the time we arrived at the resort, filled out our registration paperwork and got the keys to our room, we were exhausted and hungry. The other 6 couples had spent the day in the pool, and were still enjoying the pool bar by the time we got down there.
Then the rain came. When you are in a tropical place and it rains, it's nothing like being in Oregon. It's actually refreshing. Although when it rains in the jungle, it really rains.

Thanks for sharing your journey. I have to know more about the ones for which you will be keeping comments to yourself and how long was the lens you used to get your nudie pictures? ;-)
: ) I will share a tiny bit about "those" girls, but I'm sure you've already heard my stories. And I, thankfully, did not take any nudie pix - unless you count Jamie taking them of Vicki while she ran in to the water after a full day of drinks - and I can't share those...