Phil, Nancy's husband, and head rancher at Wilson Ranches Retreat was scrambling eggs when I walked in. A very large fry pan full of eggs.
"I hear you're the one driving the glove box out there." he says
"Yes, that would be me." I smile, wondering if he was going to allow me to have coffee. He looked serious about making eggs.
"Well, Nancy loves it!" he says "And we just bought a new Avalanche, so I told her we don't need one of those little things too."
By now, he was smiling so I felt safe pouring myself coffee. I joined a few others in the dinning room. We all talked while waiting for breakfast.
Breakfast is served at 8am. Not 7:45am or 8:15am, but 8:00am. And, you'd better be sitting at the table when breakfast comes out. Phil is serious about his schedule. The ranch doesn't run on it's own you know?
I made sure that Makena was up and at the table by 8:00. Makena isn't really a "morning person" and breakfast with 18 other people didn't really impress her either. But, we were both full of home made oatmeal, eggs, peaches, blueberry muffins and OJ very quickly. And then we were happy; listening to the stories of the ranch.
We (maybe just me) hoped to go horseback riding that morning, but there was a wedding in town so Nancy wasn't able to take anyone until later that afternoon. Makena and I decided to go for one last walk before heading out. Nancy told us about a trail that we could hike that would take us up above the ranch. All Makena heard was "up".
And after 5 minutes of walking "up"hill...she was done hiking.

Along the way, I noticed a furry little object in the road. I stopped, reversed, and found this baby bird standing in the middle of the road. Apparently momma bird wasn't happy with baby or us; she jumped around flapping her wings and chirping. We just went on our way...hoping all was well for baby bird.

Another nice thing about driving Doug; when you're driving a narrow, two-lane road and see something you want to photograph, you can easily and quickly turn your vehicle around.
And you don't miss the good stuff.

LOVE LOVE LOVE reading about your trip and seeing all your photos!!! karen :)