Day 3 in Jamaica ~ May 27
After spending our normal morning on the beach, in our normal spot, we (as a group) decided to take a little trip off the resort. Some of us weren't too sure about leaving the resort and others of us (Jamie & I) were very much looking forward to it.
Because there were 14 of us, we found a taxi van to drive us so that we'd be all together. The trip was to be about 45 minutes out to Floyd's Pelican Bar and then taking us to Ricks Cafe (don't worry, I'll get you the links to both of these places later on). We were supposed to be spending just a few hours off the resort. Sounds like fun right?
Getting 14 of us (some of the guys are bigger than the others) into the van was a bit tight. Like, there wasn't room to move even if you wanted to. Plus, the a/c didn't work. And...with 14 people...that's bit of a problem. But, we were trying to make the most of it (well, some of us were) because we were in Jamaica 'mon!
About 45 minutes into the drive, some of us (not me) were getting cranky. Some of us (me) took their meds that morning and were still excited about Floyd's Pelican Bar. Then someone (not naming anyone here) asked how much farther the drive would be.
There was a smile and silence from the driver.
The person asked again (and to make a long ass story short) and the driver mentioned something about not even being half way to Floyd's Pelican Bar. A bathroom break was demanded, words were exchanged, and after some discussion we decided to turn around and just go to Rick's Cafe.
Some people were unhappy. Some people were very unhappy. Some people just wanted to get the hell out of the hot van and away from some of the very unhappy people.
Now, on to the good part, we arrived at Rick's Cafe!!
And then we watched the sunset.
Before heading back to the resort. And on the way, Jamie and I saw a car rental place. Within 5 minutes, there was already a small group of us making plans for our own excursion.
When we did get back to the resort, we spent another hour arguing with the resort manager and our cab driver. The resort had told us that the ride there would be about 45 minutes, not the 3 hours that it was actually going to take. We did end up getting a little break in the price; split 14 ways isn't much though.
Oh well, some of us (not all of us) had a good outing.
I think I've forgotten to mention that on our way to Jamaica, half of my two weeks worth of medications were stolen along with 2 bottles of sunscreen. I was obviously not happy, and being in another country was a little worried, but it all worked out. As far as I remember that is...
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