Here are a few things we heard:
Gas Station Attendant: I could prob-ly throw you up there in the back of my truck! (he points to his Ford F350 with 4 back tires)
Me: prob-ly
GS Attendant: Do you want me to fill it?
Me: Yes please.
Guy in sleeveless Corona tshirt: Do y'alls feel safe in that?
Me: (isn't "y'all" already pluralized?) Yes, it's made of steel.
Guy in sleeveless Corona tshirt: Where?
Me: Under the plastic here. (I tap on the hood)
Woman holding a baby and a toddler: Wow, I've never seen a car like that so I just had to come look at it. What is it?
Me: It's a Smartcar.
Woman holding a baby and a toddler: Driving that would scar the shit out of me. Do you feel safe?
Me: (now I don't) Yes, it's made of steel on the inside.
Woman holding a baby and a toddler: (laughs) That is funny!
GS Attendant: Do you know that they have a lot of these cars overseas?
Me: Really?
GS Attendant: Yep! They're called Smart Cars.
Me: huh... (What does he think this one is called?)
Friend of guy is sleeveless Corona shirt: It looks like one of them clown cars. Like a bunch of people will start jumping out any minute.
Me: (I smile. Then later I tell Doug that they weren't making fun of him.)
GS Attendant: Can you get 'er up to 60?
Me: Yep. (I smile) I've gone over 70 even.
GS Attendant: Wow, that's just amazing! You should put big wheels on it and jack it up.
Me: ummm...I don't think so...
Waitress: Smartcar huh?
Me: Yes. (that's funny...I thought they were only overseas.)
Waitress: How many miles to you get on that thing?
Me: Around 45 right now
Waitress: Well, I hate to tell you this, but I can get that much in my '82 Volvo.
Me: That's good then. (your Volvo is probably a diesel lady and it's almost 30 years old! And, in my home-town, we have more than 1 stop light.)
Waitress: You can probably park it almost anywhere huh?
Me: Almost.
We often get asked about the battery life, but that's not too unusual. Doug isn't actually electric, so I just tell people that it's a gas powered car. I think we got asked about the battery 100 times on this trip.
I did have one guy tell me that he was proud of me for driving a Smartcar around.
We also got a lot of waves, laughs and smiles. Doug usually makes people smile.
I'm proud of you too!
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