Hopefully Blogger is going to work with me while I try to post updated from our trip. Having a laptop and hotel wi-fi often make things more difficult. I have mixed in pictures from both Makena and I.
We were supposed to leave for Road Trip 2011 by 10am this morning...that didn't work out as planned. Oh well...300 + miles to go on our first day didn't really put me in too much of a hurry. After loading up the car, we made a quick stop at the library before 'hitting the road'.
I wasn't planning to take Lil Doug on our trip, but the 40+ mpg and convertible top persuaded me to. I hadn't yet driven him on a major highway, so I was nervous, but we both did well!
Our first Oregon Trail stop was just outside of Biggs, OR.
Then, more driving...
Before we stopped in Pendleton, OR at another Oregon Trail marker.
Where we also found a place for lunch. (Knowing that I'd have to have a picture, Makena was so excited to see this giant boot outside of the restaurant.)
More driving...then a quick stop at a view spot.
We found an Oregon Trail picnic area at Emigrant Springs.
Then we passed the town of Meacham (Hailee's last name...) and had to take a picture.
And then we found an Oregon Trail National Park - Blue Mountain Crossing. We actually got to walk around a little bit and follow a few trails. Makena was very happy that the trails were flat and less than 1/4 mile.
We finally arrived in Baker City, OR around 7pm. We checked in to our hotel room, which Makena says is much better than the ones I chose for our trip last year, and relaxed a bit before heading out to dinner.
Now we're both full and tired...and ready for more tomorrow!
Great pictures ladies. Love you both.