We were supposed to leave for Road Trip 2011 by 10am this morning...that didn't work out as planned. Oh well...300 + miles to go on our first day didn't really put me in too much of a hurry. After loading up the car, we made a quick stop at the library before 'hitting the road'.
I wasn't planning to take Lil Doug on our trip, but the 40+ mpg and convertible top persuaded me to. I hadn't yet driven him on a major highway, so I was nervous, but we both did well!

Before we stopped in Pendleton, OR at another Oregon Trail marker.

Where we also found a place for lunch. (Knowing that I'd have to have a picture, Makena was so excited to see this giant boot outside of the restaurant.)

Then we passed the town of Meacham (Hailee's last name...) and had to take a picture.

Now we're both full and tired...and ready for more tomorrow!
Great pictures ladies. Love you both.