My Girl Scout Troop went to a cooking class last week. We found Julie, from The Merry Kitchen, in Portland. She runs this little business from her home. She created an Italian menu, with vegetarian options, for the girls to learn to make.
They quickly, and quietly at first, took over the kitchen.

After making the dough for the calzones, it was time to start the brownies.

Chocolate brownies. From scratch that is. (Lisa had me at the word Ghirardelli.)
There was a lot of measuring to do. And a little laughing at each other...

And stirring melting chocolate.

And then licking the bowl of course!

Lisa then gave the girls a lesson on using their knives. (Extra "thank you" for this Lisa.)

And then the girls learned how to break, peel and mince garlic.

Some girls were faster at the mincing than others. (Makena was not one of those "faster" ones by the way.)

They then moved on to grating cheese for the calzones.

And there was a little lesson on egg separating. There may have been an extra egg or two used for this purpose, but Jessica became a pro.

And then all of the wonderful smelling garlic was added to butter and spread on to bread.

The girls then got the dough ready for their calzones.

And there was even some dough left over for us parents!
A dipping sauce was made.
If I could insert {scratch and sniff} here, all would be perfect.
A pomegranate, apple and spinach salad.

And then the calzones were done baking.

And the kitchen was quiet again.

Until the brownies came out of the oven.

Dinner was wonderful girls. Thanks!