The relationship didn't start out so great though. The first time I met Brandi (when she was only months old) she ran out from under the couch, scratched the crap out of my leg and then ran back out the couch. Then came the nick-name Bitchy Kitty.
But our relationship grew when I moved in with Dylona. One day, Dylona decided she didn't want Brandi anymore. I was moving out soon and thought "how hard can it be to take care of a cat?"
Oh how little I knew...
Brandi continued to be Bitchy Kitty. She ate leather shoes or purses. She jumped up on the counter to eat bread or food if it was left out. She bit people that she didn't like. She didn't like to be held by others. She hated to have her tail touched. She often hissed at kids. She threw up 20 different kinds of cat food before I found the right one. She wouldn't eat wet or home made cat food. She often decided that she'd rather poop just outside of the litter box, not inside. She would sit on my lap and then decide to clean herself knowing that I hated it.
But she loved me. And no matter how many times I reminded her that she wasn't allowed on the furniture, she always tried to snuggle on the couch with me. And I'd even hold her tail and she'd purrr. She always ran to me when I came home.
She also loved to run outside and rub on the concrete.
After almost 13 years together, I was used to her. I knew her habits, the good ones and the bad (bitchy) ones, and I loved her too.
Just before Thanksgiving, I could tell that she wasn't acting right. We hoped it was just a bladder infection, but after two weeks of antibiotics she wasn't getting any better. Brandi peacefully went on December 7.
She was my cat and I'll miss her.
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