I left Friday afternoon for a road-trip to the Tacoma Relay. This is where Relay started 25 years ago! What a GREAT event - thanks again for the invite Kathy!! This was the first time I'd ever been to a Relay other than
Hillsboro's - I'd love to attend many more!
Kathy driving us up to Tacoma
never knew...???
Yes, Life is Good!there was a Relay museum
look at this Starting line!!
Dr. Gordy Klatt during the Survivor Lap (notice the clock counting down)
what a cutie! 9 yr old Survivor - GREAT reason to Relay!
I created a Luminaria for the 25th Anniversary at Tacoma
I'm walking laps too!
me, MJ, Tai & Kathy during the Luminaria Ceremony
All Relays are a bit different - this one was BIG! The Tacoma Relay is from 6pm Friday to 6pm Saturday, so we were able to be at the Opening Ceremony and stay for the
Luminaria Ceremony. Unlike
Hillsboro, Tacoma has quiet time from midnight to 6am.
Hillsboro celebrates for the full 24 hours - no quiet time for us! (That is a good thing!) I'm really glad that I was able to attend the Relay For Life of Tacoma and Celebrate 25 Years of Hope!
Oh - another 1st for me was eating from a 'Roach Coach' (Driving Diner, Meals on Wheels or whatever you may call it). I have to say that it wasn't bad, and it was the biggest burrito I've ever seen!
Kathy dropped me off at the Castle Rock exit around 1am, as Jamie was already up at the lake.
Ma... You do realize you were taking pictures of cars, right?