The Relay For Life of
Hillsboro 2009 was another wonderful event!! It was a bit quieter at the campsite this year as some family members couldn't make it. We missed you all very much!!
The week of Relay is always a bit stressful for those of us on the Committee. (Well...the months before can be too!) Friday was set up, at our new location, the Washington County
Fairplex. Things went smoothly (between the down pours) and then the Committee met for dinner at Extreme Pizza to also participate in the Relay
FUNdraiser. I got a few hours of sleep on Friday...then was off to Relay by 6:30am on Saturday. Registration for teams and participants was at 8am, Opening Ceremony at 10am and the Survivor Lap & Luncheon at 12pm.
Opening Lap - Abe, Kim (newbies), T and Carol
Makena and Kylah (Makena was the Captain of the youth team this year)
Dylona & Kallie, Momma and Rudy
Zona and Lee (with their Tami's Full-House of Champions decorated hats)
Grandma Neena during the Survivor Walk
Sheila & Dennis during the Survivor walk
Momma with a Tami star at our campsite
Dylona & Nikki walking their laps
Kylah Teagan
Makena, Sydney & TeaLee during a youth lap
we got a cake and surprised Rudy for his birthday
Kallie loves birthday cake!
the Brunsons walking their lap
newbies; John, Karen & baby Mia
Things went well all through the day and night. We only got rained on a few times - thankfully we had tarps, pop-ups and buildings to cover us! There were tons of activities for all ages, great bands to listen to, goodies at the Silent Auction and lots of people to visit with. I also went around and tried to take Team Photos - something I'll work on next year too. I, of course, didn't get a team photo of us!?!
As I was also the Accounting Chair this year, so counting incoming donations was part of that 'job description'. I was stressing before Relay thinking how much work this would be for me - BUT - things went really well! We decided to 'close' Accounting for most of the day this year and then stop taking donations at midnight. This way, we were able to enjoy time with friends/family, participate in Relay and relax a bit. I enjoyed this much more than I have in the past when doing the Silent Auction! : ) We were totally done counting/recording money by 4:30am (that's good!) and then walked around until breakfast came.
Syd & T walking early morning laps
poor Makena wasn't feeling well because of allergies
Clean up went well this year too. (I'm telling ya, I was waiting around for something bad to happen but things just seemed to go so smoothly.) Makes the last 9+ months even more worth it! : ) Jamie has reminded me that I'm not allowed to volunteer for so many things this year. I have CASA, Girl Scouts and to do I need to take some time for myself. I'm thinking that sounds like a good idea...hope I can follow through. : )
Thanks again for all the support given to me, Tami's Full-House of Champions and Relay For Life of Hillsboro!! I continue to HOPE that we will win this fight against cancer in my lifetime! You can make donations until August 31 - - I'm still $160 from my goal, but working on it!!
OH - I forgot that I also met a wonderful man named Will who is currently being funded by the American Cancer Society in his research. He came to his first Relay ever, brought his family, and enjoyed Relay For Life of Hillsboro.
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