Friday, June 5, 2009

My Eight

Kathy tagged me with an Eight are my Eight...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to

  1. Relay For Life of Hillsboro on June 20 & 21 at the Fairplex - and other Relays if I can make it to them!
  2. My new photography class to start next week!
  3. A trip to Alaska in August!
  4. Being at the lake this summer AND not being in a walking boot!
  5. Lunch with my sister & grandmother next week!
  6. Sunshine for weeks on end!
  7. Hopefully getting back to Maryland with Jamie sometime this year.
  8. Taking thousands & thousands more pictures!

8 Things I Did Yesterday

  1. Did a TON of Relay stuff.
  2. Watch a VERY cool storm we had that blew in/out quickly.
  3. Had a Relay Committee meeting - that rang long.
  4. Stayed up too late, typing up the meeting notes from the Relay meeting & the Newsletter.
  5. Did some actual work.
  6. Got some things together for our garage sale.
  7. Watched a little tv.
  8. I know there is probably something else but...???

8 Things I Wish I Could Do

  1. Clean the house by wiggling my nose.
  2. Make $1 million by growing a money tree in my backyard.
  3. Cure Cancer!
  4. Visit with my family more often.
  5. Make customers pay us.
  6. Sleep on a normal schedule.
  7. There is something I really, really wish I could do, but I can't say it here.
  8. Paint or draw actual pictures.

8 Shows I Watch

  1. Dexter
  2. Criminal Minds
  3. Medium
  4. Grey's Anatomy
  5. Rachel Ray
  6. Bones
  7. NCIS
  8. Fringe

I'll sister, Carrie, Renee, Lindsey & Sarah. I'm thinking it's probably supposed to be 8 people, but ummm...I don't really "know" eight other people that blog! : ) I have a lot of blogs that I follow, but they may not want to share their eight with me., sadly, the only list that was really easy for me was the shows I watch! : ) And...all of those are on DVR for weeks before I usually get to watch them. I think I'm too tired to think of anything else...sign...just not been sleeping well again.

1 comment:

  1. Ok so I just posted my "8" on my blog ...
