Friday, June 12, 2009

Couple 'a things

Wow...I've really been a slacker with the blog lately! I've also noticed I haven't done any "Green Things" updates or "Why I smiled today"...tisk, tisk...bad blogger!
  1. Kylah went to the movies today, for the first time, with a friend...ahhhh!
  2. I'm going to the Tacoma Relay tomorrow (!!!) - it's where Relay started 25 yrs ago! Thanks for letting me catch a ride Kathy!
  3. I'm so ready to take pictures at the Tacoma Relay! Nervous about using my new lens tho.
  4. Kylah graduates preschool tomorrow (today) and I'm very sad that I'm going to miss it. But, I know my bestest-friend ever will take lots of pictures for me! : )
  5. Jamie is going to Kylah's graduation - he's rubbing it in.
  6. I was thinking that my photography class started this week - I was sad to find out that it's not until next week.
  7. Sometimes showing up at your best friend's house unexpectedly is the best thing ever - especially when she really needs you there.
  8. Makena's last day of 6th grade is tomorrow (today) - which now makes her a 7th grader. Oh boy....
  9. The new Dave Matthews Band CD is GREAT in case you didn't already know!
  10. We ran out of Relay tshirts at our meeting tonight - wouldntchaknowit!?! I just got rid of over 100 extra tshirts from last year (literally on Tuesday) and now am short hundreds of shirts this year. Why was I thinking that the tshirt order would go smoothly??
  11. I'm going to do 11 today because it's an odd number and it's really killing me not to do 10. Damn OCD!

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