Makena wasn't very excited, but she did help unload the wood, load it in to the boat, unload it from the boat and then load it on to a small tractor trailer. Look at her work! : )
It only took us two boat loads full to get the wood over to the island.
Then it took 15+ loads of wood in the small trailer to get it all up the hill.
Then I (yes...just me) stacked all of that wood. Makena was exhausted (of course) and Jamie had to go to town to get some parts for The Monster (that wouldn't start when we needed it to).
After finally getting The Monster started, Jamie decided to take out some trees before leveling out some of other lot.
By the time we got back home on Sunday, all we wanted to do was shower and go to bed. By Monday morning, my body was so sore that I didn't even want to get out of bed! It really sucks being older and out of shape...especially when I'm working out muscles that I didn't even know where in my body!
Unfortunately, he took out some of the trees that I wanted to keep! I managed to save two small ones - the two on the left in the picture below. There used to be trees in that entire open area - trees that blocked the neighbors ugly water heater & garbage cans. Jamie later said that he wished he wouldn't have taken out the trees...once again, I'm right. Those neighbors are never out there, maybe they won't notice if we move the things. : )
I then cut up all of the trees (with my handy chainsaw) and made burn piles.
I got up early on Sunday morning to finish cutting up the trees (again, with my handy chainsaw) and finally ended up with three burn piles. Jamie made breakfast and was ready to clear out some more trees in the lot behind us. Yep...more cutting and adding to the burn piles. Makena did help a little, but spent most of the day reading and taking pictures. (I'll post some of her pictures later.)
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