Friday, April 10, 2009

I'll miss you Great-Grandma

The funeral service for my Great-Grandmother was this afternoon. The sun was shining brightly during the outdoor service and everything was beautiful. I have very vivid memories of my great-grandmother and will always cherish them. My favorite - getting a 'spit bath' by her and her nice white hankies. I was with her quite often when I was very young...and a 'spit bath' was a must! I also have a beautiful blue afgahn that she made many, many years ago.

One thing that struck me at the service today was the Officiant talking about "Maxine's legacy". She is survived by not only a husband and children, but 14 grandchildren (my dad), 26 great grandchildren (my sister & I) and 4 great-great grandchildren (Makena). This truly is a wonderful legacy to be a part of! The Officiant asked us to think about our legacy and how it compares. There is an emptiness in many hearts.

Great-Grandma & I ~ 1976(ish)
In Loving Memory ~ Maxine Jones ~ January 7, 1920 - April 6, 2009

1 comment:

  1. Our thoughts & prayers are with all of you.

    ~ Kathy, Victor & Charlie
