Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Egg Hunting

I got to go Easter Egg hunting with Kylah and Kallie yesterday in Sherwood. It was a fundraiser for a first grader with an inoperable brain tumor - they had a GREAT turn out! We were running a little late, so the girls were rushed to get as many eggs as they could. Kallie only wanted the candy out of the eggs - she would pick one up, shake it and then move on if the egg didn't sound right. : ) Kallie and I then tried to help Kylah find some eggs with her age group, with not much luck. So, Kylah went her mom when it was the adults turn.

Because we were at an elementary school, the girls wanted to play on the playground for a while. All of my pictures are on our Picasa, but here are a few of my favorites. (I'm still working on learning how to shoot white clothes in bright sunlight!)

After the park, we played in their backyard for a while - enjoying the beautiful Oregon sunshine. Thanks for letting me spend the day with you girls!

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