Saturday, May 2, 2009

When the sun comes out

You see some interesting (or strange) things when the sun comes out...
  1. Short-shorts on women who shouldn't wear them
  2. No shirts on men that should proudly show their stuff
  3. No shirts on men that shouldn't
  4. Purple spandex - on a man running - hmmm
  5. People in jeans & sweatshirts - did they not notice the SUNshine?!?
  6. Pasty-white legs - they could be mine tho too
  7. Cute (quiet) kids playing outside with water guns
  8. Flowers growing where you didn't think you planted any
  9. People on bicycles in weighted backpacks - WHY would you want to make yourself heavier, hello???
  10. Me...mowing my yard, then my neighbors yard and then the rental house yard - cuz that's the type of person I am


  1. Shorts are for ages 0-25. After that, it's time to let them go.

  2. I liked many of these!
