The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. -e.e. cummings
Friday, October 14, 2011
Finding pumpkins with the Flahertys
Because we aren't able to join everyone at the pumpkin patch this year, we were invited to go with the Flahertys during their family time yesterday. We met them out at Baggenstos Farms.
The girls, and Jamie, played for a bit before we headed out to find pumpkins.
A tractor takes you out to the patch.
Jason found a big pumpkin for himself.
Then the girls helped Jamie find his.
Then Kallie found hers.
And our pile grew.
Because Makena wasn't able to go with us, the girls found the perfect pumpkin for her.
Thanks for letting us join you at the pumpkin patch this year!! We're going to miss joining in the Saturday tradition.
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