Then, a few months ago, Jamie had this great idea to get another dog! A friend for Moxie. A new baby. What a great idea right? But he decided that we should get another Boxer, and never get a tiny Boston Terrier. (They aren't THAT small.)
Fine then, I'll have requirements too. We'd have to have a female, she'd have to be rescued and she'd have to be a brindle color. A couple of visits to later, I found Madison. She was a 8 month old, brindle Boxer looking for a forever home. The first 6 months of her life were not good. She wasn't allowed to run and play. She wasn't trained. She wasn't loved.
We arranged for a visit so that we could see how well she and Moxie got along. Moxie liking a new puppy and a new puppy liking her were our biggest concern obviously. The second she got out of the car, Moxie ran to her shaking her little tail/butt in excitement. I would have been shaking my little butt too, but I was sitting down hoping she'd come to me. She was very scared and it took her quite a while to warm up to me.
Our week trial, turned in to two and then I finally convinced Jamie to sign the adoption papers. You see, Maddie was abused by a man for the first 6 months of her life and is VERY scared of them. Women, she's scared of but eventually warms up to. Kids, they still freak her out a bit, but she loves them too. So, a month later, she is still scared of Jamie. She just doesn't know that she can trust him yet.
So, Maddie is my dog. And she's Moxie & Makena's little sister. And she's Jamie's...well, that's still a work in progress... She's hard not to love though.

She lays under my desk all day. (Well...she lays there when I'm there, then she follows me everywhere I go. And I mean everywhere. If she can't see me, she gets very anxious and paces. That's a work in progress too.)

She loves to play with Moxie and Moxie loves to play with her. She's quite the cheater though. If Moxie doesn't give her the toy, she will bite Moxie's legs to get it from her. Moxie usually gets the toy back. That is until Maddie hides it. (We found out she's a 'toy hider' and a 'chewer'. Two things Moxie is not.)

Yah, she lays like this sometimes too.

And sometimes like this. It's apparently better to share a bed than have your own.

Maddie Girl will be 9 months old on Thursday. I'm glad she rescued us, because she's a sweetheart.
so HAPPY for all of you! :)