Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good to know ~ BPA

I read this today on the OEC Blog - Oregon Environmental Council

Last week, the Breast Cancer Fund released a report that tested six different kid-friendly canned products, with every food sample registering levels of the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA). Most metal food cans have epoxy-resin linings that contain BPA, which has been linked to disruptions of the hormonal system, heart disease, diabetes and other severe health problems.

There are so many studies, on so many different things, its often hard to know what to really believe. I though, am one who believes in cancer research. All of it. I have been trying to rid my house of BPA for quite a while now. The Breast Cancer Fund report is something I think we should all read. Take from it what you will, I'm just sharing the information.

P.S. I still haven't posted photos of Makena's 15th Birthday party. I actually just found the pictures on a memory card last night and hope to get to them soon. Along with some pictures of Maddie and Moxie, and pictures from the Walden Island Tea in August. {gads}

P.P.S. Thank you all for the concern. My wisdom teeth apparently came out without a fight. I, however, have been fighting with my dentist about keeping them for the past 10 years. I obviously lost.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are doing better...I too still have my wisdom teeth and my new dentist says "you've got enough room, you are over 40, YOU can keep them"...YAHOO!!
