I originally thought that we may go up to Century High School to pick out a pre-cut tree and help support the band. Jamie very much liked the idea because he wouldn't have to cut down the tree himself. In the end though, I wanted to go to a local tree farm. We hadn't been there in a couple of years and it was a beautiful day. And, Makena didn't want to have any part of picking out a pre-cut tree!
ta-da...here is the perfect tree!
Yep...I stepped on it! Sorry Honey!!
You can see our tree from last year HERE. It must have been a year that I got to decide on the tree, as it should be.
a good day for funny faces
We, of course, never pick out a tree with a straight base. After a few adjustments, it was finally straight. (Well, straight enough for us anyways!)
and more funny faces
Makena got out of doing the star again.
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