We had our first Relay Kick-off Rally for the 2009 Relay For Life of Hillsboro tonight. Yes, I know it's still 2008, but it's never too early to start FUNdraising!! Especially for something that is so meaningful.
We had a small turnout, but I registered 40 teams tonight - making a total of 46 teams currently registered for the 2009 Relay! What a great night! If you are interested in starting a team for the 2009 Relay go to www.relayforlife.org/hillsboroor - OR - if you are interested in joining my team (Tami's Full-House of Champions) you can do that there as well. Please let me know if you have any questions...and, as always, spread the word! We have grown a lot over the last couple of years, but it's been a good adjustment. Anyone and everyone is welcome!
The American Cancer Society is the largest, private, nonprofit source of funding for cancer research.
Glad there are already 46 teams registered....I'll be sending out my email for folks to register. I'm wanting more of a FUNdraising committment, so we'll see what happens. As we get enough, I'll register more teams!