Monday, October 20, 2008

Couple 'a things

The poor squirrels on Celebration Ct. - just not the smartest in the neighborhood. I've had this squirrel feeder up for months and have yet to see a squirrel figure out how to get the lid up and eat from it. That is...until Friday! He's been crawling all around (I leave trails of food to it all the time) and he finally did it! I also have corn cobs along the back fence, and they'll sometimes run off with the entire ear of corn! No wasting time waiting for the neighbor cats to find them. (Hey...maybe that does make them smart huh?) Now if only we could train Moxie the difference between the 'neighbor kitty' and the 'tree kitty'.

This is the heater that Jamie bought for the lake...see, a cat can sit on it! Brandi will sit on anything that is off the ground. We haven't tried putting a baby on there yet tho - maybe next weekend. : )

WARNING: Spider photos. These are just two of the GIMANOUS spiders that we've seen in our shed. I haven't read anything about them being poisonous (or I haven't correctly found them online) but I sure as hell don't want them crawling around while I'm there!! Just freaks me out! I'm now on a mission to find some sort of spider control...although I'm not sure it's going to help until we get the flooring on or the walls insulated. (Honey, can we do that soon???)

As far as my doctor appts - I don't have any blood results back from the lab yet. I had to go back in this morning to get more blood sucked out...apparently they didn't get enough the first time.

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