Thursday, May 10, 2012

Take Shape For Life

After much thought, Jamie and I decided to join the Take Shape For Life program.  The program is based on the Medifast food diet, something I researched with care.  (You know I would.)  The TSFL program also gives you a Health Coach to help you learn to eat and be healthy for life.  Lucky for us, some friends of ours are Coaches and are helping us in our journey.

We apparently become bear and hibernate in the Winter months, adding on weight to prepare for the cold.  We stop going to the lake and working there.  We stop working out.  But, we don't stop eating more and more.  So, to help get us back on track, we started the program today.  We plan to start back up on the P90X program too in a couple of weeks. (I'm crying from pain already.)

All of the food arrived yesterday.  I cleaned out the pantry and fridge - tossing anything we shouldn't be eating and boxing up things that we can eat again once we've reached our goal weight. Each of us have a shelf of food to make things easier.  This is a month's worth of food for each of us.


Basically we need to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours - which is what you should do anyways.  I started my morning off with two spiced pancakes and a cup of coffee.  Jamie is a bit concerned about the pancake size (those are approximately 4" pancakes) but willing to do the program with me.

What I also find helpful is that we don't really have to spend the time trying to decide what to have for our meals.  We do get to choose between things, but they are all healthy Medifast choices full of vitamins and nutrients.  Dinner is going to be less of a chore for me too.  Jamie, Makena and I all like different foods, which usually means three different types of things for dinner.  Jamie and I now get basically the same dinner, a lean meat/protien and a veggie, and again just some healthy choices.  Makena, well...I'm still working on keep her healthy.  (Teenagers...)  But she's a snacker, so as long as I have healthy snack choices for her I think we'll be okay.

Off to enjoy my mid-morning shake.  Hopefully I won't become a bear at the grocery store today.

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