The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. -e.e. cummings
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Christmas at Home
We decided to celebrate our Christmas on Christmas Eve morning this year. I've never done this in the past, but because Makena was going to be gone for the next week, we thought it would work out best. We also intended to help out at the Senior Center early Christmas morning.
Makena, as usual was spoiled with gifts. That's why we have kids right?
The puppies got gifts too.
This was Maddie's first Christmas, so she wasn't sure what the heck we were doing.
Santa brought Makena a new iPod.
The girls and I got Jamie a bunch of new tools for the house. Every time he goes to look for something, we remember that it's up at the lake.
I found a binder that had been made out of a Queen record for Makena to write and keep her guitar music in.
Yep, that's the kind of house we are.
After we opened gifts, Jamie made breakfast. Then we layed around for a bit before my sister and Chad came over for food and football. Great day!
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