I've also been a PETA member for many years now and fully support their actions. I only recently started reading their magazine, blog and joining their campaigns.
Wow, what an eye opener!
I knew about animal cruelty, but it just wasn't something I chose to know more about or stand behind. I obviously don't believe in it, for any animal (spiders are an insect tho, so that doesn't count. Sorry T), but "Wow" is all I can come back to.
One of their long running campaigns is the McCruelty Campaign. I have read about it over the years, but have still eaten at McDonalds. Why? I don't know! I don't like fast food, but sometimes I really just want a cheese burger. Luckily that only happens once or twice a year, and it's obviously not chicken (or meat for that matter), but I think I'm over McDonalds for good. Why support them when I can eat the yummiest turkey burger with Tillamook cheese from Burgerville - where they use local farms and sustainable products. And the shakes...oh that's an entire other post.
So here is some info on the McCruelty Campaign if you don't know about it. You can find more information at MCCRUELTY: I'm Hatin' It.

In 2000, following the launch of PETA's (original) McCruelty campaign, McDonald's made some basic animal welfare improvements. Since that time, the company has refused to eliminate the worst abuses that its chickens suffer, including abuses during slaughter. This cruelty could be illegal if dogs or cats—or even pigs or cows—were the victims.
There is a less cruel method of slaughter available today that would eliminate these abuses, yet McDonald's refuses to require its U.S. and Canadian suppliers to switch to it.
PETA'S McCruelty Campaign Timeline:
1997: Following the McLibel verdict, PETA writes to McDonald's asking the company to take steps to alleviate the suffering of animals killed for its restaurants.
October 1999: PETA launches its McCruelty campaign after two years of failed negotiations with McDonald's.
September 2000: Following 11 months of campaigning and more than 400 demonstrations against McDonald's, PETA announces a moratorium on its campaign after the company agrees to make some positive changes for farmed animals. This marks the first time in U.S. history that a major seller of meat agrees to make farmed-animal welfare improvements.
September 2000 to February 2009: PETA tries to work with McDonald's to modernize the company's animal welfare standards and make further improvements, especially regarding how its chickens are slaughtered in the U.S., but McDonald's refuses.
February 2009: PETA lifts its moratorium against McDonald's after the company fails to require its U.S. and Canadian chicken suppliers to adopt a less cruel slaughter method.
One piece of advice, don't read the PETA blog while eating breakfast. Also, KFC (which I've never liked) is as bad or worse than McDonalds. You can find more information on that at Kentucky Fried Cruelty.
I'm glad that you've made this choice on your own Pook and I'll support you as much as I can.
oooh, I had McDonald's for lunch yesterday:( Good for Makena for deciding to become a vegetarian- I could never do it myself. I just really enjoy meat...
ReplyDeleteI love getting the PETA magazine. It has so much great information. It's also a little less severe for those who can't handle watching or reading the stories on PETA net.
ReplyDeleteYou should read up on their fur information Red. There is a video that I can't watch but it's an actual beating of an animal so that they can skin it. While it's still alive. This happens daily hundreds and hundreds of them. Because it's cheaper to beat them.
A little known fact is that items sold for under $150.00 (I believe is the amt.) does not need to be marked as fur if there is fur in it due to the value. I do not buy fake fur because of the fact that I would never spend over 150.00 on something that was labeled fake fur anyway.
Ok I understand those who eat meat. I do myself although I'm trying hard to step away from it. Plus there are so many health benefits to it. And for all those who think you won't get protein read up on your veggies.
However knowing there are less cruel ways for company's to kill the animals they are farming and they chose not to that pisses me off.
Also read up on the hours slaughter act. That was something that I just couldn't even believe was happening and how major parts of the process, like getting the horses and selling them to slaughter houses, it take place in the USA.
The first time I went to your island I was reading a book called Quantum Wellness by Kathy Freston. I had you read a few sections in it and you had said it enlightened you on some things. I strongly suggest you and Pook read it. You should for sure be able to find it in your library. I'm rereading it again now.
I love you both and thank the stars above that you chose to be educated.