I was able to stop by the Relay For Life of Beaverton last Saturday. My friend,
Kathy Cina, took over as Event Chair in 2009. (Yes, she was originally at Hillsboro and we miss her VERY much!) What an amazing job this group has done in the fight against cancer! Kathy's leadership has really brought this community together.
The Committee was introduced. (YEAH!!!)

And then there was a 12 year old Survivor that spoke during their opening ceremony. She was such a beautiful, inspiring girl! I should have known better than to have left my tissues in my camera bag (in my truck)!

Then the Survivor Lap.

The two ladies/Survivors also participate in the Relay For Life of Hillsboro. They bring a smile to my face every time I see them.

Again, amazing what Beaverton did this year!! Their goal was $58,000 (I think - Kathy will let me know if not) and they were at $97,000 raised
before their Relay even started. I believe they are now at more than $124,000!!!

In the wagon here is Charlie, Kathy's daughter. This is how Team Captains should be treated at Relay...being pulled in a wagon around the track! (I'm gonna work on this for next year - thanks for the idea Charlie!)
Beaverton is quickly catching up to Hillsboro and it is very exciting for them to have grown this much in one year! They had 37 $1,000 Club members that raised more than $54,000. HOPEfully Beaverton's spirit will become contagious!
I did have a few people ask me if Beaverton had recruited me to their committee. "No" I smiled "I'm here to enjoy their Relay, be supportive and bid on silent auction items!"
Then, about 5 hours later (as I was just getting to the lake) I received a text saying 'pick up your silent auction item'. Ooopppss...I knew there was something that I forgot! I immediately called Kathy to work out the details. She kindly picked up my item - I had won a photo shoot! Just in time too, I was looking at our family pictures the other day and realized that they are 5 years old.
Thanks again Amber for coming out before you went to the lake! ;) I miss you too!