Here are pictures from the big birthday celebration on the 21st.
These are pictures from the beginning of the night, from the limo. The limo picked us up at home and then we headed to the Flaherty's to pick up the rest of the group. Makena watched Kylah and Kallie while the 'big kids' went out to play.
Poor Kylah had pink-eye

Our first stop was at Harvey's Comedy Club where my sister, Chad,
Cuzn & Leah were meeting us. Lots of good laughs!
LaTrisha, Martin, Renee, Me, Jamie
Jason, Rochelle, Jason, Dylona & Dawn

Then we picked up Tracie from school and headed back out.

To Roots Brewery.
a note that my sister passed to me at Harvey's

Jamie found his way into several pictures that night. He loves to be the center of attention.

The remaining pictures are from
From the limo...

At Roots Brewery...
(Not sure what my face is for.)

Then off to the dance club...where the pictures are worth more than 1000 words.
And, I do remember all of this!

I had a wonderful night - for what I remember of it! Thanks again for all the laughs everyone!
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