Saturday, September 26, 2009


"It's that time again!" should be "It's still that time!" Fundraising is ongoing...especially in today's economy. Fundraising is a big part of my family's life; American Cancer Society, CASA, Girl Scouts, school and other non-profits. We participate in as many fundraisers and activities as we are able to, and (I think) we all enjoy doing so. Sometimes we collect food, toiletries, blankets or coats, but usually organizations need MONEY. (Something we all need more of right??)

As I was out doing yard work yesterday, one of the neighbor boys came by.
"Wanna buy something?" he says
"Like what?" I ask
"This stuff" he hands me two catalogs of the normal school fundraising items - wrapping paper, cooking items, chocolates, etc
"What are you trying to raise money for?" I ask while looking through the catalogs (I'm a sucker for Christmas wrapping paper by the way)
"We win prizes" he tells me
"Are you raising money for something specific at school?"
"I dunno"
"Do I need to give you money now?"
"I dunno"
"Do you know when the items come in?"
"Well..." he says "Sooner or later I guess."
"I guess so" I agree
"I mean, it will come eventually you know."
"Maybe you can come back when you know."
"Okay" he says and walks off to the next house

I recently learned that the Beaverton School District lost millions of dollars in grants this school district...Makena's school district. I find it extremely sad that our schools continue to lose more and more money. That our children are given fewer opportunities. I also found it a bit sad that the neighbor boy didn't have any idea what he was fundraising for. I'm fairly certain that Makena (and my Girl Scouts) could tell you what they fundraise money for.

The neighbor boy did come back and tell me I could write him a check to his school, so I bought a roll of Christmas wrapping paper. He tried...

Kylah participated in her first school fundraiser on Friday. I wish I could have been there to see her run laps for her school's Fun Run. I know she did her best! (I also know that she told Jamie what her fundraiser was for.) There will be many more fundraisers in Kylah's future!

And...guess what?!? Makena's school will be doing a magazine fundraiser again this year! It doesn't begin until next week, but if you have a magazine to renew (or would like) let us know. The school receives a percentage of each magazine purchased. If you don't want a magazine, the school also accepts donations (of course!). The school keeps 100% of donations to use for after school programs. Programs like; homework club, choir, basketball, drama, chess club and more. Programs that kids should be able to participate in, but have to fundraise for first. I guess we'll have to do what we can for that too. (I'm a sucker for magazines too by the way.)

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