then we had a great lunch at Steamers

Makena and I took T & Teri home and then decided to drive around the island for a while. First we drove out to check on Jamie and Chad fishing.

Then we went to Saxmen Totem Park to take a few pictures.

I wouldn't let her put it to her ear tho!
Just a few miles away is another totem park - Totem Bight.

Then we stopped back by Dad & Teri's house to see how the day of fishing went. Apparently it was impressive, as they began calling themselves the "Salmon Slayers".

Then to the other end of the island to visit Settlers Cove - a State Park.
where Makena had a staring contest with
one of the totem people
Jamie filleted (or butchered as Chad said) one of the salmon and they brought it back to the house to cook. Chad baked it and we all enjoyed it.
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