Friday, January 16, 2009

President Elect

I found this on Kathy's website and thought it was pretty cool. It's morphing portraits of our 43 Presidents and President Elect Obama.

This brings me to something I was going to blog about - President Elect Obama. As I was driving last night, I noticed a bumper sticker that said Impeach Obama. I immediately became irritated and drove up along the side of the vehicle. The driver was and older man smoking, with the windows up, in his beat-up truck. (I tend to be a 'slight bit' judgemental and immediately became more irritated.) Firstly, can you impeach the President who isn't even officially the President yet?? And, how could the driver be so closed minded - to not even give President Elect Obama a chance to be the President of the United States. He's already made up his mind that Obama is not going to be the change I am hoping for. Very sad...

Moving on...along side the Impeach Obama bumper sticker was a sticker that said "Say No to Drugs, abortion & Obama".

  1. Drugs - If he can't even "Say No" to smoking, how's the drug thing coming?
  2. Abortion - he's a man, so my (personal) opinion is that he shouldn't get that choice.
  3. Obama - how is this even in the same category as drugs and abortion?? (And, see above)

Then even more...there was also a Veteran bumper sticker on his truck. I am TOTALLY for supporting our troops, but I was again thinking how close minded this man could be regarding how things could change for the better when Obama officially becomes President.

And, mostly I was hoping that the driver has been just as disgusted with our current President as he seems to be with the President Elect. I know that I have been extremely disappointed with the way the country has been run and am very much looking forward to the change!

Stepping down now...

1 comment:

  1. Serious, don't even get me started on this. I am bad. Like a car with an Obama sticker will cut me off and I'm like, whatevs. But a car with a Bush sticker cuts me off and I'm like MOTHEREFFER! YOU SUCK!

