Friday, November 14, 2008

Couple 'a things

  1. I didn't win any of the gift baskets at the conference yesterday.
  2. I climbed the stairs so many times at the Convention Center yesterday that my thighs are still burning.
  3. We didn't get very many captains at the Relay Rally last night, but we did have someone volunteer to be the Ceremonies Chair!
  4. I have an all day conference for Relay tomorrow...a lot of 'learning' for me in two days!
  5. Jamie & Rick are going to Garibaldi tomorrow to pick up our trailer of wood and Rudy's smaller boat. (The boat that we borrow to go back/forth from the island.)
  6. We're going to a bowling alley tonight for a friends birthday, and it wasn't until this morning that it even crossed my mind I may have to actually bowl.
  7. People watching is especially fun on the Max train! (Oh the stories you can hear...)
  8. The sun is out for the second day in a row, so I'm going to attempt to mow the yard.
  9. Tami's Full-House of Champions is currently the #1 fundraising team (woo-who!!) and we have 11 people registered already. Thanks guys!!
  10. Here is the cute bracelet that I bought at yesterday's conference - cute little kids on the beads and one says CASA. I'm not much into jewelry, but I really liked it.


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