1. You buy tickets to one of your daughter's favorite bands - one for her, one for a friend and one for you (because someone has to go with them at age 13).
2. SURPRISE - they are playing with 4 other great bands! They were: Stereo Skyline, There for Tomorrow, A Rocket to the Moon, Mayday Parade and We The Kings.
3. Don't dress too old or too young - as per your daughter. Makena told me to just wear 'skinny jeans and a tshirt' - I told her 'I don't do skinny jeans and a tshirt.' I did find normal jeans and a tshirt - that was apparently good enough.
4. Run (yes, run - in the rain) back to the car to get the camera because they "supposedly" weren't letting people bring them in. But...everyone had one...ours was in the car...Makena & Madison weren't leaving the concert to go get it...so the Coolest Mom Ever has to do it.
5. Sit upstairs with all the other parents. There were parents downstairs with their kids, but that's just not cool. There was also a Dad with ear plugs in - OMG did U C him?!?
6. Know some of the words to the songs, but don't sing along. You can sometimes break this one if you and your daughter are in the car; alone - but don't sing at the concert.
Pictures Makena took...
(I liked this one)
I think they're laying on the floor (where it's dirty)
7. Be sure to bring extra cash - the $20 tshirts are great, but the $40 hoodie is even better.
(The videos sounds kind of bad, but all of the bands were actually good.
The speakers on my poor little camera were probably blown because Makena was so close to the stage.)
A Rocket to the Moon
Mayday Parade

8. Leave the concert before the band that you actually wanted to hear comes on because your daughter and friend are exhausted and sweaty from jumping around the last two hours.
9. Hit Burgerville just before they close so that your daughter and friend can have some water, food and a chocolate shake.
Makena giving Madison an hug - in her new hoodie
Side note: I did actually enjoy the concert. The smaller venue (Wonder Ballroom) was a great place for these 5 up-and-coming bands. They donated proceeds to Bone Marrow testing/treatments. The upstairs - "parent area" - was actually the 21 & Over part. You could hear the music AND the lyrics. The tickets were only $16 each. The girls had a great time.
Side-side note: It may help my Coolest Mom Ever status that I went to these types of concerts 'back in the day'. And yes, Makena, I jumped around for hours too, getting close and sweaty with everyone else there.